Air Conditioning Without Ducts?

With summer right around the corner in northern Ohio, it’s time to start thinking about your home’s air conditioning system. Do you have an old central air unit that’s eating up money in repair bills and sky-high cooling costs? Maybe you rely on window units that just don’t produce enough cool air in the hottest months? No matter the situation, installing a ductless air conditioner is a great choice to keep you cool and keep more money in your pocket all year long.

What Is a Ductless Air Conditioner?

A ductless, or mini-split, air conditioner is an energy efficient, money saving alternative to central HVAC systems that are often overlooked by homeowners when choosing a new home comfort system.  Ductless units have three parts:

  • The indoor air handling unit
  • The outdoor condenser unit
  • A remote control to choose where to direct the cooled air

During installation, the technician will mount the indoor and outdoor units. Refrigerant lines placed in a wall or ceiling connect the two units. The outdoor unit then runs through cycles of distributing the coolant through the refrigerant lines to the indoor unit where it becomes conditioned air ready to cool your home.

What Are the Advantages of Ductless Air Conditioners?

You’ll enjoy many benefits by choosing a ductless air conditioner for your Dalton or Massillon home. Some of those advantages include:

Substantial Savings on Energy Bills – A ductless air conditioning unit could shave off as much as 20 to 30 percent on your monthly utility bill. Because these systems use a fraction of the energy of a traditional HVAC unit, you’ll keep more money in your pocket.

Comfort for the Entire Family – When you choose a ductless system, you can place mini-split units in the rooms you use the most and control the temperature in those spaces independently. Instead of fighting about setting the thermostat at one temperature that’s likely too hot or too cold to satisfy everyone, you and your family members have complete control of the temperature in your personal space.

Great for the Environment – With a central air system, cool air flows throughout your home via the ductwork. You have no control over where the cool air goes. With a ductless system, you can save energy and money by turning off air to rooms that aren’t getting regular use.

Convenience of Installation – Installing a ductless system is easy and requires absolutely no demolition work. Your new system could be ready within one day versus weeks of upheaval caused by installing a traditional HVAC unit. Adding a central air unit to a new addition or in an older home is costly and time-consuming. Not only is the unit itself expensive, but you’ll face significant labor costs for extensive demolition work to place the necessary ductwork throughout your home.

Quiet Operation – Central air can be so loud that you have to turn the TV up when the air starts blowing. That’s a problem of the past with a ductless system. Since the outdoor unit is completing the majority of the work, you won’t even know the unit is operating.

Cleaner Air – Ducts get dirty and require professional cleaning to remove harmful pollutants that can contribute to asthma and allergy symptoms. Ductless units feature extensive filtration systems and are a breeze to keep clean.

Shanklin Heating & Air Conditioning specializes in the installation of ductless mini-split systems for the residents of Dalton and Massillon, Ohio. If you’d like to learn more about these systems and find out if they’re a good fit for your home, contact the experts at Shanklin today.

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